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Expert Panel to Address Mental Health Impact in Relationships

Updated: Jul 13, 2023

Creative Connections, Get Off the Couch and the New Black Wall Street Market Host Mental Health Conference and Concert to highlight the impact of mental health on relationships

In today's fast-paced world, the significance of mental health in relationships has become more apparent than ever. As we navigate the complexities of personal connections in 2023, we must shed light on the true state of mental well-being within intimate partnerships. Consider these statistical insights as a snapshot into the true state of mental well-being within relationships today:

According to a recent survey conducted by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), approximately 20% of adults in committed relationships experience a mental health disorder each year. (Source: NIMH, 2022)

Research conducted by the American Psychological Association (APA) reveals that couples experiencing chronic stress are more prone to relationship dissatisfaction and increased conflict and 75% of couples report that stress adversely affects their relationships, leading to higher rates of arguments, decreased intimacy, and reduced overall satisfaction. (Source: APA, 2021)

A study published in the Journal of Marital and Family Therapy highlights that individuals with depression are twice as likely to experience relationship dissatisfaction compared to those without depression. The study also found that relationship distress can exacerbate depressive symptoms, creating a harmful cycle that puts the mental well-being of both partners at risk. (Source: Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 2019)

These statistics serve as a stark reminder that mental health issues are prevalent and can significantly impact individuals, their relationships, and their families. Understanding the intricacies of mental health within relationships and underscores the urgent need for greater awareness and support. With the open dialogue that the Mental Health Concert and Conference will spark, a new paradigm can be forged that drives the narrative


Meet The Panelists

Mental Health in Relationships


Kristi Sprowl is a public health practitioner and mental health advocate. Her services include health education, facilitating health and wellness conversations, designing health related workshops, writing public health research reports, and creating media stories around health related data.

"I use data, storytelling, and research to help communities understand mental illness and solutions to cope with mental health challenges. As a mental health educator and advocate, my role is to inform communities about holistic wellness strategies. I enjoy being someone that can have reliable information to serve people well."


Maria Jordan is the CEO of ATR Media and host of Afternoon Tea Radio on iHeartRadio. She is also a host for the Steve and Marjorie Harvey Foundation, a children’s book author, and motivational speaker.

"As a black women the labels and stereotypes that are linked to me has made it difficult to navigate in this world. My voice is too loud and my perspective too opinionated. I’ve felt silenced to make others comfortable. This has played a toll on my mental health. It is an ongoing effort to be proud of myself and to trust my voice. It is important I teach others along my journey."


Joyce Kyles offers in-person and/or virtual coaching services, workshops, training, and keynotes to individuals, businesses, and organizations in need of awareness and actionable strategies. She supports those who are currently dealing with mental health issues or suspect that someone is and wants accurate information regarding signs and how to help.

"It is always been important to me that people understand mental health and mental illness and the holistic impact it can have on one's life. There is still so much stigma around it. Society needs to be more aware of its biases re: this subject and how we can collectively help ourselves and others to thrive with proper resources, education, and action."


Gamel DeWese is a certified anger management and behavior modification specialist. He provides behavior modification techniques that address anger, depression, conflict resolution, problem solving, anxiety, self-esteem. Through behavior modification he addresses symptoms associated with major forms of mental illness. The skills and techniques that he provides also work well with behavioral problems at home, school or in the workplace.

"There are several things that drive us to provide mental health services, keeping the non-violent youth out of jail, reducing, if not removing, tension at home with children and or spouses, as well as preventing youth, and family violence. Our mission is to enhance the quality of life by changing behaviors."


Join us on July 15, 2023 at the New Black Wall Street Market for this epic Mental Health Conference and take part in highlighting the realities of the true impact of mental health disparities in black communities. Take advantage of this opportunity to learn the truth, engage with experts and understand the power you have to create positive change in our communities.

The New Black Wall Street Market is a 125,000 square-feet premier retail establishment and events center housing dozens of black-owned businesses located at 8109 Mall Parkway, Stonecrest, GA 30038. This decadent facility features the Pink Lion Jazz Club, Mattie's Tea Room, its own ballroom, a Greenwood performance stage, a Fine Arts District (Art Avenue) featuring world-class black art, an expo hall as well as Aaron's Gourmet Grocery Market featuring chef-inspired cuisine, and health products. To find out more about space rental and upcoming events, visit

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